Friday, 26 September 2014

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we can easily transfer data from one block to another block in oracle forms using checkbox with image. check the code below >> transfer data from one block to another block only selected data begin go_block('fromcustomer_block');  first_record;   loop    ...
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Just place a text in a report and write this code in pl/sql editor and you can call another report in a main report (calling one report to another report) function U_sub1FormatTrigger return boolean is begin     SRW.SET_HYPERLINK(''||     '+P_COMPANY_CODE='||''''||:P_COMPANY_CODE||''''||  ...

Friday, 19 September 2014

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You can fill the data dynamically in detail block in oracle forms just try this code hope it will helpfull for you PROCEDURE fromcustomer IS   cursor c is   select code,name from customer where    sales_person2 = :SALESEXECUTIVE_BLOCK.from_se_code; begin go_block('fromcustomer_block'); clear_block(no_validate); for rec in c loop :fromcustomer_block.from_cust_code :=...

Thursday, 18 September 2014

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One of the most common interview questions that is being asked is explain Equi Join, Natural Join and Cross Join in sql. I will break the question in different meaningful easy to understand concepts Inner Join This is the most used join in the SQL. this join returns only those records/rows that match/exists in both the database tables. Inner Join Example SELECT * FROM tblEmp JOIN tblDept ON...

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

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Check this it will help full for you How To Remove the 'Do you want to save changes? A.) This note documents how to change the 'Do you want to save the changes you have made?' alert that is displayed when exiting an application when there is uncommited changes on the form. By default, when exiting a form, Forms checks the status of the form, and if there are uncommited changes, will display...

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

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